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Showing posts from September, 2018

19 things I learned from Ryan Holiday's Interview

This is an amazing interview with Ryan Holiday. The talked a lot of things, like being a father, how to have a good life, how to treat criticism and how to stay productive. You definitely should check it out. In below I summarized 19 things which I find most interesting in this video, I will share them with you. And hope you can also share your own idea and understanding in the comment section, I'll meet you there. Here are 19 things that I've learned from the interview: How to figure out "what you want to write": Try to figure out the things that you wished you could learn 5 / 10 years ago. And write something for your own needs. It can always be someone else's needs. When you are writing a book, know your audience . Ryan always thinks about that he is writing the book to the younger version of himself. Learn how to say "no" to things. But when you are at the beginning, say "yes" to everything, because that means opportunity.